We seek clients who can take full advantage of our talents, particularly as they apply to mergers, acquisitions and divestitures. We like companies that have true worth beyond what is reflected in their financial statements; companies that want to find and focus on their best opportunities.
We also seek working alliances with lenders, attorneys, accountants, investors, venture capitalists, business brokers, consultants and other professionals who serve these companies, where Fidía can provide complementary skills to reach a common goal. Here is what we are looking for:
We seek growth-oriented companies that are looking for opportunities to improve their performance or for opportunities to use their capabilities to successfully enter new industries. Such companies may want to:
- Identify new markets.
- Find alternative distribution channels.
- Consolidate industry segments.
- Form strategic alliances.
We support lenders, investors and business owners by assessing under-performing companies to determine strategic and business enhancement alternatives, including growth options or divestiture alternatives. We seek situations where special circumstances may create the possibility of high upside potential. These may include:
- Creative divestiture plans.
- Merger and acquisition opportunities.
- Business enhancement, revitalization projects or workouts and turn-arounds.
We seek companies, individuals and investor groups looking for strategic opportunities. These opportunities may involve:
- Concept development & venture creation.
- Industry roll-ups.
- Acquisitions or alliances.
- Divestiture of non-strategic or under-performing businesses.
We seek companies with unrealized potential, where vision, planning, leadership and organizational renewal, along with the imposition of business fundamentals, can significantly increase the value of the organization. Fidía can provide:
- Strategic planning and opportunity identification.
- Marketing and sales management assistance.
- Organizational development and decision-making processes.
- Financing and lender packages.
The strategic plan for the family-owned business must consider not only business issues, but also issues where the business and the family intersect. Management planning and ownership succession is particularly difficult in the context of the family relationships that exist in these firms. We understand these issues and can help family-owned businesses plan more effectively and use their special structure as a competitive advantage.